Fixed Assets Acquisition Journal Entry

Fixed assets are long-term resources of an entity which are acquired for productive use beyond the current reporting period and have a cost exceeding the capitalization limit. Fixed assets are not purchased for immediate resale, but rather they are expected to be used productively within the entity for more than one year.

According to International Financial Reporting Standards, it is possible to revalue a fixed asset, which would result in an increase in its net book value. It is important to note that fixed assets do not have to be ‘fixed’ and can include portable items like laptop computers if their cost exceeds the capitalization limit.

Fixed assets are recorded in the accounting records at their net book value, which is the original cost minus accumulated depreciation and impairment charges. As a result, the net book value of a fixed asset is always decreasing over time due to ongoing depreciation. When a fixed asset is bought, it is assigned a useful life, which is the period it is expected to remain productive.

It is important for entities to track and monitor their fixed assets for an accurate reflection of their financial position. This includes calculating the net book value, recording depreciation, and regularly reviewing assets for impairment. Doing so will help entities maintain a reliable and accurate record of their fixed assets.

Fixed Assets Acquisition

The process of procuring tangible and intangible property to be used for an extended period of time is the focus of this section. Fixed asset acquisition involves:

  1. Identifying and defining those assets that are needed
  2. Determining the cost of the asset
  3. Comparing the different options for acquiring the asset
  4. Creating a plan to acquire the asset

The first step in the process is to identify and define the assets that are necessary for a business to operate. This requires analyzing the current assets and determining what new assets are needed.

Once the assets have been identified, the cost of the asset must be estimated. This includes determining the purchase price, delivery fees, installation fees, and any other associated costs.

The next step is to compare the different options for acquiring the asset. This includes researching the market and considering different vendors and models.

The last step in the process is to create a plan to acquire the asset. This includes the timeline for when the asset will be purchased, any financing options, and any other related considerations.

The process of fixed asset acquisition requires careful consideration and planning to ensure that the right asset is acquired at the right price. It is important to understand the risks associated with acquiring a fixed asset and have a plan in place to reduce those risks.

Fixed Assets Acquisition Journal Entry

The entry is a debit to the fixed assets account and a credit to either cash or accounts payable, depending on the form of payment.

Fixed Assets AccountXXX
Cash / Accounts PayableXXX

In the event that a fixed asset is purchased on credit, the cost of the asset is recorded as a liability. This means that the journal entry would include a credit to the accounts payable account and a debit to the fixed assets account.

The accounts payable account will then be paid off over time, which will decrease the balance in the accounts payable account and increase the balance in the cash account.

The journal entries associated with the acquisition of fixed assets should be documented properly to ensure accuracy in the accounting records.

Financing Options for Fixed Assets

Asset finance can be a viable option for businesses to consider when looking for ways to finance their fixed asset purchases. It is easy to obtain and can be more flexible than traditional bank loans, making it an attractive option for many businesses.

Asset finance can provide a company with the necessary working capital to purchase fixed assets, which can be crucial for startups and growing businesses. Companies should, however, ensure that asset finance is the right option for their particular business model.

They should also consider the associated costs, such as interest rates and fees, to ensure it is a cost-effective option. Furthermore, it is important to ensure that the asset finance provider is reputable and that the terms of the agreement are clearly outlined and understood.

Benefits of Fixed Asset Acquisitions

Acquiring fixed assets can provide businesses with a range of advantages that can help to ensure long-term success. First, the acquisition of fixed assets can provide a business with an immediate source of revenue. By taking advantage of the depreciation of the asset, businesses can receive a monetary benefit that can be used to pay for operations or to reinvest in other areas of the business.

Secondly, the acquisition of fixed assets can provide a business with a sense of security and stability. By having access to a reliable source of capital, a business can have the financial resources to weather any economic downturns or unexpected expenses.

Lastly, fixed assets can provide a business with the potential to expand their operations. By having access to a larger pool of capital, a business can invest in new projects or open new locations.

The acquisition of fixed assets can also provide businesses with a range of intangible benefits. Fixed assets can provide a business with a greater sense of control over its operations, as well as increased flexibility.

The ability to access a reliable source of capital can also give business access to new markets and opportunities for growth. Additionally, the acquisition of fixed assets can provide a business with the opportunity to build a strong reputation with customers and suppliers.

Fixed assets can be a powerful tool for businesses that are looking to grow and succeed in the long run. By providing access to a reliable source of capital, fixed assets can help businesses to weather economic downturns, expand their operations, and increase their control over their operations.

Types of Fixed Assets

Investing in fixed assets can be a great way to expand a business and increase profitability, but it is important to understand the different types of assets and how they depreciate in value over time.

Tangible assets are physical assets, such as land, buildings, and machinery, which can be seen and touched. Intangible assets, on the other hand, are assets without physical existence, such as brand recognition, intellectual property, and goodwill. Examples of intangible assets include copyrights, trademarks, and patents.

Fixed assets can also be classified as current assets, which are assets that are expected to be converted to cash or consumed in the near future, and long-term assets, which are assets that will be used over a period of years.

Depreciation is an accounting term that describes the decrease in value of a fixed asset over time. This decrease in value occurs due to wear and tear or obsolescence. Depreciation is used to spread the cost of an asset over its useful life. Depreciation can be calculated using different methods, such as the straight-line method, which calculates depreciation by taking the cost of the asset and dividing it by its estimated useful life.

When investing in fixed assets, it is important to know the types of assets available and the different methods of depreciation. It is also important to consider the expected life of the asset and how the asset will be used. Understanding the different types of assets and how they depreciate can help businesses make informed decisions when it comes to investing in fixed assets.

Creating a Fixed Asset Acquisition Plan

Creating a well-thought-out plan for acquiring new resources can be a great way to expand a business and increase profitability. Acquiring fixed assets is one of the most common ways for organizations to do this. It involves buying another company’s assets, rather than its stock, and helps promote growth through external means.

When creating a fixed asset acquisition plan, it is important to carefully select the assets and liabilities that the company wishes to acquire. This helps to reduce the risk and potential losses associated with traditional acquisitions, especially when dealing with bankrupt companies.

When creating a fixed asset acquisition plan, it is also important to consider the taxation implications. Acquiring assets can have a significant tax impact on the company, so it is important to ensure that the plan is structured in a way that minimizes the tax burden. Additionally, it is important to ensure that all legal and regulatory requirements are met, as failure to do so may result in significant financial penalties.


Fixed assets acquisition is an important way to increase the efficiency and profitability of a business. Acquiring the right fixed assets and creating an acquisition plan can help a business reduce costs and increase efficiency.

Financing options can be used to ensure that the fixed asset acquisition is done in a timely and cost-effective manner. Additionally, understanding the types of fixed assets and the depreciation associated with them can help a business maximize their return on investment.

By taking the time to plan and understand the associated costs and benefits, businesses can ensure that their fixed-asset acquisitions are successful and beneficial.